Greetings and Salutations, the first day of spring has sprung (Wednesday March 20th ) and here we are with a larger then average episode of Lost in the Farmer’s Market. For those of you who were wondering there were no episodes posted in the last two weeks due to midterms in college and a sudden glut of landscaping work for BL2. In short I was pretty busy (in a good way) and honestly, there was little to cover since march is one of those months where you want to think about the outdoors more but the weather is so bizarre that it’s hard to write about certain things. With that said I think I have a rather good article for you with some cool stuff in it.
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The Dessert Kiwis are back! |
The first thing I must remind you of is an upcoming date,
next Sunday is March the 31st, and that is Easter. For us gardeners in
the sand hills region it’s the last likely date of frost which means you can
begin planting your warm season plants in the garden if they are large enough.
Given the relative lack of stable temperatures during March however a few of my
warm seasonal- plants are delayed by a week or so I won’t be planting anything
until Mid-April at the latest. The spring last frost date is suggested and each
yard will be different, but generally the Easter date is used as it’s easily
found on most calendars and most cant miss it. For you gardeners up north, the
last frost date in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut
and Pennsylvania
areas tends to be about Mother’s Day or May 12th. Personally I used
to wait until the 15th just to be sure however.
One of the sure signs it's spring is that birds of all sorts return, and int he Fayetteville area that is usually marked by entire flocks of Robins. However see the hanging pansy basket? This basket has been hanging in that spot since last year when I put the pansies in. That stick like stuff jutting out isn't part of the coco-fiber liner it's a bird's nest. Some house sparrows decided to set up shop in the basket by building a nest between the pansies using mostly pine straw and bits of asparagus stalk. The big twig you can see above is part of a flowering top of asparagus plant, it used to even have little dried asparagus berries on it too. Wild birds serve an important role in pest control and are totally worth encouraging by providing bird seed in the winter months. Speaking of pest control.....
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For note, if you look in the lower right corner...the neighbor's dog Photo-bombed this shot..that is one scary guard dog. check the zoomed photo for why. |
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Yes, the Neighbor's guard dog sees all...she does not judge..all shall fall by the power of her laser eyes! Moments after this image was taken my camera mysteriously caught fire. |
One critical annoyance of our region and climate is the damage that fire ants can do to even the best strawberry bed. If you factor in squirrels and other critters you might have a hard time growing your own strawberries in general. On the heels of the successful growing of strawberries last year I've decided to grow them in hanging baskets this year in lieu of annuals. This is one of the better ways to avoid ant damage however... I may have to find ways to prevent bird damage. Even so, I don't mind sharing with the birds since they're already helping the Clark ranch by eating pests and of course singing.
Despite the weather temperatures and the mayhem of March it self some of our winter crops are doing just fine. Both of these pots were started back in September, and were nursed along through winter. Now my cilantro (on right) is rapidly approaching harvesting size. The Swiss Chard (on left) has almost tripled in size and may make for a decent salad green in a month or so. This just goes to show that you can grow nice looking and edible potted crops to save space. Anyone who's been to the ranch lately knows the front porch is lined with stuff like this the mother load of non-lettuce salad fixings!
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Out of tragedy comes Triumph! |
Garden bed enhancement and recovery aside there is something else I need to give props to, and thats the first LITFM book recommendation that isn't one of our own books (southward skies). Since spring is a time of growth and renewal I want to take
as moment to recommend some spring reading. If you check, you can find a series
of books by a very talented author named Amy Stewart. Her past books include “Wicked
Plants: The weed that killed Lincoln’s
Mother and other Botanical Atrocities” and “Wicked Bugs: The louse that
Conquered Napoleon’s Army & Other Diabolical Insects”. For note I have both
and they are incredibly good reads and are informative for new gardeners and
skilled land managers alike. The book I am referring to today however is her
new book “The Drunken Botanist: The plants that create the world’s great drinks”
which was released about the 20th of March. Mrs. Stewart honestly
handles this topic, with the same skill and attention to detail as she did her
prior two books and yet keeps it’s down to earth so every reader can
understand. Needless to say I’m currently reading the book myself but in one
sitting I plowed through 107 pages out of 362 pages which is pretty much the
mark of a good book when you can put it down. Simply put if you are a gardener
and want a good read or need to get a gift for a gardener you know this one or
the other two books mentioned are good options. For note here is a direct link
to her page on’s site so you can find the books I’m referencing.
Books Aside I’d like to show you a plant feature. As some of
you know, inevitably whenever I go about doing my usual business as a
Landscaper at the various nurseries I encounter plants that are weird and
strange but more so I often find things that I inevitably have to add to the
array of botanical I keep as house plants. This week was no different and of
course again I have to give bLowes props again, as I was there to buy a
cell-pack of annual vegetables for use in the first of the 2013 plant
experiment and saw the plant in question in passing.
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This may be tiny Pachypodium Geayi or Madagascar Palm. |
I have to admit, I think this is a Madagascar Palm however it is so small and so nondescript it could also be a Euphorbia milli or Crown of Thorns. The thorn arrangement says it's Madagascar Palm and the lack of leaf development makes it's identification a bit tricky. Either way I see it as a win as I like both plants. Now before you ask, this plant and the others with it were unlabeled which I consider an pretty irresponsible act of negligence by the grower. For note, Costa Farms produces these and they have had some bad press about the poor quality of their orchids. According to the Costa Farms site they neither sell Crown of thorns or Madagascar Palm so...needless to say I'm not exactly fond of the grower but then again if bLowes would settle on a single supplier like Angel Plants I would not be writing this paragraph.
At the store I looked for a larger specimen and failed to find one so this little guy
is now in the living room next to the desert rose. Both Crown of Thorns and Madagascar Palms are nice plants because they require little int eh way of care except good light and occasional watering. Both have a coating of large and visible thorns coating their stems which make them pet and child resistant and neither is poisonous. Both are rather terrible tasting and the Euphorbia produces milky latex sap, which can cause skin irritations for some. Both are candidates for Interior defence-scaping, if you can imagine this growing under or beside the window when a burglar climbs in and grabs a handful you get the idea.
For note there are two types of Madagascar Palm in the trade, Pachypodium lameri (the most common) and Pachypodium geayi (less common), they are difficult to tell apart and honestly it may be better to just tag them as Pachypodium species. But enough of the plant-geek
action let me tell you a bit about the year’s first experiment.
Well it’s spring, and of course with it comes the various
yearly experiments that I operate as part of the skye project. Our first
experiment was suggested by the talented Marsha Howe, as we were discussing
soil test reports and soil amendments for the MLK highway
Bridge/ coffee Klatch. The conversation ended up about Bio-Char which
is wood that has been charred to a point it becomes ultra-crumbly charcoal.
Bio-char is currently undergoing trials as a soil nutrient anchor and as a
major soil amendment for depleted and otherwise unsuitable soils. Marsha proposed
a test using a small sample of Bio-char using worm castings as an activator to
see how it compares to other soil media. Amazingly Marsha had some and some
worm castings to go with and the experiment was officially started on the 21st.
The first experiment of 2013 is a simple one, the goal is to
determine if or if not bio-char can improve plant growth noticeably. To that
end I have selected four test plants all of which are Red Chicory (Raddicio)
each plant will be potted in a 4” round plastic pot for the duration of the
test which is six weeks. In five day intervals the group will be photographed
to photo-document growth. The soil mixture of each will be proportioned to
demonstrate the qualities of the various soil media.
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From right to left: plants 1-4 spaced in a zigzag to increase space between plants. |
Plant 1: 0.5oz Bio-Char + 1.5oz Earthworm castings + 4.0 oz
Sterilized Compost.
Plant 2: 3.0 oz Earthworm Castings + 3.0 oz Sterilized
Plant 3: 6.0 oz Sterilized Compost
Plant 4: 6.0 oz Coir-Based Potting Mix.
All the above plants will be placed outside in an eastern
facing to receive morning and midday sun in a wire-tray and tagged numerically.
The test plants will receive only rain water for irrigation and no additional
fertilizer. The stage is set to see what happens, let’s see how this turns out
in six weeks through 9 photographs with any luck the report on this, due in the
first week of May will be useful.
Whew, that was a long post, but as spring heats up there will be less gaps in posts and more information. Some upcoming projects include the Berm project which will be the subject of a Sustainable Neighbors Crop mob, the Voyage to Big Bloomers (early summer) and the Fall Drainage Project which will also probably be a crop mob event and be roughly in October. Beyond that in our next episode expect info on how the seedlings are doing.
As always folks keep 'em growin!