Thursday, August 1, 2024

Tobacco Weed (Wild Harvest Tour Exclusive!)

 Wild Harvest Tour Exclusive


This post is based on something we encountered on the July Wild Harvest Tour. Tobacco Weed is a native wild plant we found in droves in the July tour.



The Crinkly leaves sort of resemble a primrose like you buy at garden centers.

Note that these specimens are emerging amongst moss, the soil is compacted here.

The wide flat leaves are effective at crowding out competing plants.


Common Name: Tobacco Weed


Other Common Names: Common Elephant’s Foot, Devil’s Grandmother, Elephant’s Foot.


Botanical Family: Asteraceae (The Aster Family)


Botanical Latin Name: Elephantopus tomentosus


Description & Habitat:  This wildflower is seen in urban environments where the soil has been disturbed such as roadsides, clear cut or managed burn areas. In the wild it is found in fairly dry woodlands and woodland borders near the edges of paths where the soil might be compacted. It may appear side-by-side with various types of moss and can be a good indicator of clay soils. In general it always seems to appear in areas that have partial shade but can also appear in full sun areas. The plant has a short rhizome and can grow up to a height of two feet most of why may just be the flower stalk, the flowers are a bright lavender-purple color and this plant is a perennial. Tobacco Weed is native to the southern parts of the USA, and it is one of the few plants that are immune to being mowed and difficult to use a weed whacker on. Its advantage is that it does attract pollinators.


Tobacco Weed previously had the scientific name of Elephantopus carolinianus var. simplex and also E. nudicaulis.


When & What to Harvest: Presumably one would harvest the leaves for use however, all sources I consulted for usage information are conflicted.


Poisonous Lookalikes: none


Related Edible Species: none known.


Recipe:  I was not able to find one for this plant.


Additional Information: (If applicable)




With all that garden goodness covered this is the part of the blog where I have to advertise for the Fayetteville City Market. Now I know you readers probably don’t much like advertisements, but my booth at the City Market helps to cover the costs of running the test garden and literally maintains the Research & Development budget that is used to bring you the information that has made up the backbone of this blog.  In addition to being able to process card payments we now take CashApp payments so your payment options for my product have tripled. With that said; if you want to get some GMO-free, Organic fruit, herbs, flowers and perennials, come on down to the Fayetteville City Market on 325 Maxwell Street in downtown Fayetteville between the hours of 9:00 am and 1:00 pm on Saturdays. Even in bad weather the market goes on though you might have to look for me under the ‘arches’ of the Transportation Museum’s front entryway.


For those of you wondering what plants are going to be at the market this weekend here is the list.



Fresh Foods:

Blueberries, Rabbiteye – 12 ounces

Blueberries, Rabbiteye – 8 ounces

Figs, Mixed* – 16 ounces

Figs, Mixed* – 8 ounces

Tomatoes, Cherry Blend – 12 ounces


*Figs will be a mix of what is currently ripe; they might be White Ischia, Chicago Hardy, Celeste, Magnolia, Kadota, Brown Turkey or Petit Nigra.



Soil Amendment Products (New!)

Live Mushroom Compost – 3 Gallon Bag

Live Mushroom Compost – 1 Gallon Bag


Garden Plants, Perennial

Cutleaf Coneflower

Gentian Sage

Spineless Prickly Pear

Spanish Bayonet


Garden Plants, Annual

Celosia, New Mix

Celosia, Red

Marigold, Naughty Marietta – Yellow

Marigold, Naughty Marietta – Orange

Madagascar Periwinkle, Blackberry

Madagascar Periwinkle, Cranberry

Wishbone Flower

Zinnia, All American Mix


Coming Soon:

American Aloe




How to stay in Contact with Us!

Our group’s online presence has migrated to All you need to keep up with all our activities is to have a Nextdoor account and to look for the ‘Sustainable Neighbors of Fayetteville’ group and ask to join! You don’t have to live in Fayetteville to join us! Feel free to ask all your garden questions of our knowledgeable membership and post your cool garden pictures.


Sustainable Neighbors of Fayetteville


Also please take a gander at the YouTube version of this blog:

The Videos: Look Here

>Newest videos (1): A discussion about Figs


Meetings are still going on! Our next (unofficial) meeting is August 3rd at the Fayetteville City Market at 325 Franklin Street between 9:00 am and 1:00 pm.


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